Recent Perspectives of Abandoned Places

urb ex

I have to admit to a fondness for sticking my beak where it’s not wanted, (witness my journey into Temple Works for starters) Abandoned buildings hold such a powerful attraction. Thankfully there are talented and intrepid photographers such as Leeds Urbex who pay respect and homage to these silent places. They have an exhibition opening in a Leeds favourite North Bar 8th March.

Research. Examination. Documentation.

Derelict, often ignored and usually unnoticed spaces and structures. Lain to waste by the passing of time and human neglect.

Over the past year Joe and Mark have been researching, visiting and photographing abandoned industrial spaces, hospitals, schools and mills to document the decay of these forgotten corners of our society.

These photographs display some of the remains of England’s abandoned built heritage, which to this day, remains unseen and off-limits.

Mark Cooke & Joe Stenson.

For further details regarding the exhibition, its contents or the photographer’s work please e-mail: or

Twitter – @Leedsurbex