We first came across recent graduate Matthew Young when we were asked to be on the judging panel of the Sh! Awards. Matthew won the awards and has since been based at Brass Agency. Recently he secure a dream job at a significant publishers in London (Penguin) Go Matthew! We asked Matthew to design our March Banner to reflect our ‘We are All Jim’ event! We love the syrups and Havanas
Matthew we love the way you approach stuff, if someone wanted to get your attention what would they have to do?
Well, I think that if you really want to get somebody’s attention, then you have to do something, or give them something, that they simply can’t ignore. Instead of just sending them an email which will end up lost in the shadowy corners of their inbox, send them something unforgettable, whatever that may be. Also, tailor it to the person – if you want to get their attention, find out a bit about them first, and give them something that is personal rather than generic.
As for getting my attention – you could just give me a sausage sandwich, and my attention would be all yours.
It’s hard not to judge a book by it’s cover. Which thing have you come across recently that you’d love to give a makeover?
Which thing, or which book? Well, if we’re talking about books, I’d love to design a full set of Dicken’s work. However, if we’re talking about things, then I guess I’d have to say toothpaste packaging. I was in the supermarket last weekend, and the toothpaste aisle was awash with ridiculously over the top shiny cardboard boxes with glossy sparkly finishes and so on. Toothpaste manufacturers, if you’re reading this, tone it down a bit! Or alternatively, if we’re dreaming big, I’d love to redesign the Olympic Games.
If you could jettison one thing from your life what would it be?
Can I jettison the part of my brain that causes procrastination? Or perhaps I should be jettisoning the causes of procrastination, like Twitter, or in fact the internet in general. If there were no internet, I think I’d be an awful lot more productive.
How do you feel about moving to *that* London?
It’s all very exciting. I’ve got myself an Oyster card and everything. Finding a place to live down here has been a bit of a nightmare actually, especially as I’m trying to do it on a very tight budget, but the novelty of London hasn’t worn off yet, and I’m having a great time at my new job.
What’s the best thing about Sheffield?
At the moment I’d like to say the best thing about Sheffield is the fact that it’s so much cheaper than London! However, normally I’d say the best thing about Sheffield is the Millennium Gallery – they always have something interesting on, and they recently hosted a great craft fair there. Or perhaps the best thing about Sheffield is the trams. Britain should have more trams.
What’s your favourite quality street?
It’s a tie between the Strawberry Creme and the Orange Creme. I’m not even interested in any of the other chocolates in the box. It’s all about those two.
Would you ever wear brown shoes with black trousers?
I did the other day actually – is that bad?
How would you describe the colour orange without mentioning the word orange or referencing fruits / the sun?
Erm… I think I’d just point to the nearest mobile phone store.
Do you wear a wrist watch or use the clock on your mobile?
I’m guilty of just using my phone – I haven’t worn a wrist watch for years. I saw a really cool wrist watch the other day though, and if I had £100 to spare I would definitely convert back to having the time on my wrist rather than in my pocket.
What’s your favourite biscuit?
Chocolate digestive. How could it possibly be anything else?
Matthew can be found on twitter and his website where you should check out Colin the Umbrella
Just realised that when answering the biscuit question, I completely overlooked the shortbread. I’d say it’s a tie between shortbread and chocolate digestive.