What would make Leeds more playful for all ages? Do we need a city centre playground? What part can WE all play in making Leeds a more attractive environment all year round for people of all ages?
Do you have an opinion? Ideas? Hopes? Ambitions? Why not sign up for this Saturday event hosted at Leeds Museum and get stuck in?
Follow on Twitter @Playfulleeds #playfulleeds
Can you help spread the message? As far and wide as possible? This event is relevant to anybody who has a interest in seeing the city centre represent their desires for playfulness. If you’d like an e-flier/poster and you could send to schools, community groups, developers, architects, playgroups, academics, planners, playmakers, clowns, artists, urbanists, and other networks not yet dreamt of please add your name to this email list.
Which strategy does this concept lie within?
More importantly, in these times of austerity and financial cutbacks, which publuc budget is it coming out of?
Would suggest that Leeds spends its money on ensuring that all its citizens have their lower levels of need in Masler’s Hierarachy satisfied before wasting funds on matters which will occur naturally when people recognise their own self-esteem.
I think you mean Maslow? And “occur naturally”?? Really? Where’s your evidence?
Woah, Get Real ! Are you dissing play! This event is really cool on lots of different levels. Play is essential. With regard to Maslow, it’s actually a fantastic way to build self esteem, confidence, and respect for self and others. A ‘playground’ is a place where kids can explore these concepts. My kids have fun up and down the steps outside the City museum and could play there all day if I let them. The people of Leeds who come to this, may be able to find and develop a range of creative opportunities for play in the city centre. I think that’s brilliant. Good luck to them.
Experts in collecting public funding for ‘creative’ works of social good, have put together an infantile initiative celebrating ‘play’.
That proper grown ups in Leeds feel they need to suspend their faculties of common sense and go along with this tripe is an embarrassment to Yorkshire.
Hello and thanks for commenting
Did you join us yesterday Civic Pride? If this is your feedback, I’d love to have a chat with you, if you are amenable, as to how we could accommodate you better in future?
If not would you mind reflecting a little further on the ‘infantile’ and ’embarrassment’ elements of your comments?
I’m not being facetious but am sincerely curious as to your thoughts