Who are you and what do you do? I am Graham D Pilling and I work as a Project Manager and Brand Developer for a consultancy company. To stay sane, I like to do my own work which usually consists of silkscreen prints and gigposters, which you can see (and purchase!) from my site.
What are you currently working on? I am currently working on a Beatles inspired print as part of a small exhibition at the newly opened Beatlemania Museum in Hamburg, Germany. I will be going over there in September to take part in the annual Flatstock gigposter event. It is always a lot of fun and I look forward to seeing many of my American comrades again and whiling away the hours while we laugh hysterically at things we have different names for, like taps and faucets and sweets and candy.
If you had five more hours a day, what would you do? Ooh, great question — I would distribute these hours carefully between my lovely wife, my design work, aaaaand I would like to get out on my bike a bit more. There really aren’t enough hours in the day to fit in all the good stuff.