Who are you and what do you do? I'm Jon Hicks, one half of the creative partnership Hicksdesign, based in the Cotswolds. I design interfaces for websites, webapps and software with icons in particular. What inspires you? Anything and everything. I collect and soak up material everywhere I go, it's just unavoidable. Mostly, fresh air is the best inspirer, but sometimes it's hard to break my desk mentality. Just because you're sitting at a desk, it doesn't mean you're being productive. What's currently keeping you awake at night? Sometimes it's the fact that I had a nap earlier in the day, other times it's the responsibility of parenthood. Who would be dream moleskine contributors (living or dead) David Shrigley, Eric Gill (stonecutter and creator of Gill Sans), Mark Rothko and Jeff Koons. Do you have a favourite building? If so which and why? Without doubt, it's Coventry Cathedral. After the original was partly destroyed during the blitz, a new building was designed by Basil Spence in a modern style. It keeps the same feeling of size and spacethat you get from a gothic cathedral, but the design feels almost extra-terrestrial. The abstract stained glass lights up the beautiful interior, with Graham Sutherland's awesome (in the real sense of the word) tapestry at the far end. Ralph Beyer's exquisite stone-cut letters are the icing on the cake. As you walk around, the overwhelming theme in the texts and exhibitions is 'peace and reconciliation'. It's good for the soul. For more see: Links One, Two and Three on the Cathedral. To see more about Jon himself check out www.hicksdesign.co.uk and www.hicksmade.com Photo by Simon Clayson.