I’m a big fan of Storify for asking a question on Twitter, collecting responses and then bringing it back to the blog. Or I would be if I did it more…We’ve teamed up with Creative Tourist and Kate Feld to develop Blog North – and we’re holding our second event at Tate Liverpool 4th August. We’re hosting a workshop on making Twitter work harder for you…Quite amusing given our work rate…
[<a href=”http://storify.com/culturevultures/twitter-workshop-blognorth” mce_href=”http://storify.com/culturevultures/twitter-workshop-blognorth” target=”_blank”>View the story “Twitter Workshop #BlogNorth” on Storify</a>]<br /> <h1>Twitter Workshop #BlogNorth</h1> <h2>My workshop at Tate Liverpool 4th August is about getting the most out of Twitter for bloggers. As we don’t use anything other than Twitter at the Culture Vulture to connect readers with the blog it got me asking lots of questions…</h2> <p>Storified by Culture Vulturess · Fri, Aug 03 2012 14:03:11</p> <div>Compiling a guide of do’s & don’ts for my workshop tomorrow at Tate Liverpool for #BlogNorth. What makes you want to #Unfollow?Culture Vulturess</div> <div>@culturevultures negativety – moan moan moan moan :)Jo Green</div> <div>@culturevultures Constant negativity. Unless it’s self-deprecating humourWendy Denman</div> <div>@davepullig @culturevultures twitter is not a popularity contest, it’s about engaging with followers whether you have 10 or 100Rebecca Liburd</div> <div>@culturevultures lack of relevance, it’s rarely personal unless they’re: always negative, passive-aggressive, bully others, narcissistic.Abi</div> <div>@culturevultures the same message again & again. plus anything that says "RT if you like…" "RT us…" "RT pls"Rebecca</div> <div>@reallynicefood @culturevultures oh yes, that is so tedious – "just X more until we reach <arbitrary number of followers> PLEASE RT" argghghDave Pullig</div> <div>@culturevultures people (mainly biz and orgs in fact) that come onto Twitter intermittently then RT 10 things at once.Rob Greenland</div> <div>@culturevultures bad grammar, text speak, anything using the hashtag "team follow back" (I refuse to use the actual hashtag obviously!)Lianne Marie Mease</div> <div>@culturevultures people who just broadcast and dont converse, like twitter to have personality not just bland corporate.HAL 9000</div> <div>@culturevultures people shouldnt be scared of interaction, opinions or disagreement stiff corporate pr stands out like a sore thumb.HAL 9000</div> <div>@culturevultures oh yea, and constant pictures of cats and latté :)Abi</div> <div>@culturevultures constant retweets of praise and banal comments about the brand ("I bought an XYZ today").Dave Pullig</div> <div>@culturevultures definitely retweets of praise or meaningless stuff. And hashtagging #every #word in a #sentence #BlogNorth #UnfollowTracey Johnson</div> <div>@culturevultures not engaging, constant RTs, realising we have nothing in common, one dimensional, limited tweeting, aggression to othersChris of Leeds</div> <div>@TheSocBiz @culturevultures yes hi volumes of RTs without context or comment, ie why are you RTing what youre RTing.HAL 9000</div> <div>@culturevultures obvs timed or scheduled tweets – I feel cheatedMichael Jameson</div> <div>@culturevultures @Betfairpoker because they never talk about betting, just an internal monologueRebecca</div> <div>@culturevultures friendly people, local people, indies….Abi</div> <div>@culturevultures like a child I am drawn to swearers on twitter, maybe its because the people selling,councils,responsible people can’tMichael Jameson</div> <div>@culturevultures A sense of humour, quirkiness, new information, learning new things about our fab city of #Leeds!Guest List Leeds</div> <div>@culturevultures Funny stuff, interesting (to me) stuff, professional news & networking, people at conferences I can’t get to.Stefanie Archivist</div> <div>#ff @awesomemerch because they’re awesome – it says so in their name! Always running fun comps and happy for a procrastination tweet chat!Rhia O’Reilly</div> <div>@culturevultures I enjoy passion, but hate when people have one track issues they fit into every conversation.Niamh Foley</div> <p>