What would you do if you had a head full of crazy colourful daydreams that you never thought would see the light of day, and loads of equally mad mates? You might just suggest them to the crew at The Cutting Room Experiment in Ancoats, East Manchester, and if your mates voted for these ideas in force, you might just make these ideas come to life!
Billed as one of the most unique events Manchester has ever seen, the idea is bold, and pretty brave in our opinion! We love how the RDA & Urban Regeneration Department have given the community the framework to bring their own ideas to life. They have provided a space, a pretty cool website, event production pr & marketing, what happens next is up to the people!
So on Saturday 20th June Ancoats Square will be filled with a wild variety of flash mob activity from the very still to the completely frenetic; random acts of kindness, musical statues, space hoppers traveling at speed & so much more! Head over to the website to read all the madness.