(Quick note – theres a lot of blood and gore in some of these shots – these are shots of Lambs being born – they’re all perfectly fine!)
The end result! One baby lamb 🙂 (after a good cleaning by it’s mother!)
Photos from the “Lambing Live” event at Cannon Hall farm just outside Barnsley – for one night only the farm stayed open throughout the night so that people could come along and watch lambs being born.
Typically, things didn’t go completely according to plan – throuought the day there was only one birth (co-incidentally when the local news were broadcasting from there in the late afternoon – timing!). We got there around 10:30pm after a tip off from my mum who’d seen it on the TV – we only live about 15 miles away so was easy to get to.
When we arrived, there was a large crowd, all stood eagily waiting to see a birth – but ironically given the sheer number of people staring, this was possibly making the sheep a little nervy and not wanting to play ball.
Being the mad fools that we were, we stuck it out, and once most of the visitors had left, the first ewe gave birth around 2am, followed by another 30 mins later just as we were about to leave.
It’s an amazing thing to watch, and the farmers were amazingly chatty and informative, explaining what they were doing and why – really really interesting stuff, and well worth a lack of sleep!