Family Fun at The Plaza Cinema this half term

Mike McKenny (@DestroyApathy) lets us know what is going on at The Plaza Cinema in Bradford throughout half term, including fun for the family and the utilisation of cinema to engagingly address themes surrounding Black History Month.

The Plaza Cinema, who are currently in the process of restoring their historic site to be a functioning cinema after almost fifty years of dormancy are to hold two screenings throughout half term that are primarily aimed at children and young people. One is Family Fun Halloween Party, the other, a partnership screening with Bradford Youth Service to celebrate Black History Month. Both screenings show the innovative way that The Plaza intends to use cinema to access the community, engage in prominent issues and celebrate not only the joy of moving images, but the act of bringing people together in a space in which to enjoy them.

The family friendly Halloween party will screen the iconic Halloween-themed animation The Nightmare Before Christmas on 31st October, the evening of Halloween. Doors open at 5pm for all kinds of games and fun activities, with the film starting at 6pm. There will be many prizes to give away, including for best fancy dress.

This event will provide people in the region with a fun and safe event for all the family to join in the communal festivities. At only £2 in, and £1 for under 8s, it is easily accessible for the whole family to take part in together.

The interactive nature of the games and activities on the evening will provide a great opportunity for children to play and for everyone to meet other people, then sit down together to enjoy a family-friendly, yet appropriately Halloween themed film.

The Nightmare Before Christmas is written and produced by Tim Burton (Edward Scissorhands, Frankenweenie) and is directed by Henry Selick (Coraline, James and the Giant Peach). It features Jack Skellington, who lives in a magical world that revolves around Halloween and is full of inventive and memorable characters. Growing bored of the eternal repetition of this one event, he stumbles across a similar world based on Christmas, and decides that he would like a change. His blend of Halloween and Christmas are fated to be disastrous and Jack needs to put right the chaos he has caused. The stop-motion animation, wonderfully imagined characters and memorable songs will charm and entertain many.

You can book a seat by calling 07886 864951 or 0845 8052194, by emailing [email protected] or by calling down to The Plaza Cinema at My Impact Centre, Cross Lane, Bradford, BD7 3JT.

The special Black History Month screening is aimed at 15-21 year olds and will use Franco Rosso’s iconic film about a group of teenage Londoners of West Indian Descent just getting by in the Britain of 1980. The film comments on the serious matter of institutional racism prominent at the time, whilst not coming across overly preachy, managing to be fresh, fun and engaging. The film also deals with universal youth-based issues of fitting in, choosing your friends, finding work, etc.

The film stars Brinsley Forde – of Reggae group Aswad – as Blue, a young man just living through that turbulent period of young adulthood. Blue is trying to find his place in the country in which he was born, but is not fully accepted. His universal issues of retaining employment in the face of casual racism are contrasted against the freedom he experiences fronting a Dub-Reggae Sound System act.

With most of the music created by dub-reggae mastermind Dennis Bovell, the bass thumps throughout the film, viciously enticing spontaneous skanking.

Along with the film, Bradford Youth Service will provide all youth workers that bring a group of young people with an information pack that will be specifically tailored to go through with their young people and relate to issues raised in the film. There will be live performances from young local artists, a showcase of locally produced Black History themed art and the screening will be followed by a sound-system influenced party.

For more information on this event, or to book a place, email [email protected]

The Plaza Cinema is easily accessible on several prominent bus routes from Bradford City – 576, 610, 611, 612, 613 and 614. It only takes 5-10 minutes to get to Cross Lane.

These events are being generously supported by Bradford City of Film and Cine Yorkshire.

Further Information on The Plaza Cinema can be found on Twitter – @ThePlaza_BD7, on or you can email [email protected] and ask to be added to their mailing list