Matt McMillan is a multidisciplinary designer based in West Yorkshire with over a decade of experience and some fancy awards under his belt. He also likes real ale and is a self confessed type geek. When Wendy Denman asked to quiz the man behind this month’s motivational banner, how could he refuse?
Please tell us four facts about yourself and one fib, keeping the answers a secret for the rest of your life.
1. I’m 6ft 3ins tall. 2. I love the typeface cooper black (it nearly made it into the design) 3. I like to learn 4. I was the Eckington swingball champion in 1988
I love the banner and wholeheartedly agree with its message. What made you choose this design and what do you always say yes to, no matter what?
I’ve recently read Yes Man by Danny Wallace (I say ‘read’, really I mean I listened to the audiobook but it doesn’t sound as highbrow!) and It had a profound effect on me.
Basically he says yes to every ‘opportunity’ for six months or so and his life changes as a result. I saw designing the Culture Vulture banner as an opportunity so I said yes without hesitation. Then I started to think about what I would do for the banner… and I thought and thought some more. I thought my self into a cul-de-sac, until my wife reminded me of the very reason I said yes in the first place. ‘Say yes more’ seemed to fit nicely with the essence of Culture Vulture… as in, it’s all about exciting and intriguing cultural opportunities that are there for the taking… all you have to do is say yes to them!
So in answer to your question, I always say “YES” to anything that seems like an opportunity. As a result I work on and do some cool stuff, but I don’t sleep much!
As a graphic designer, a good eye is very important. What’s the most graphic thing you’ve ever seen with your good eye/s?
Gaspar Noé’s Irreversible is pretty graphic. That’s a film you can’t unwatch… brilliant though.
If you got the chance to rebrand something or somewhere of your choice locally, what would you choose and why?
Working on the new Pace (Parents Against Child Sexual Exploitation) brand was really fulfilling. In the past I’ve done some work with a charity called the Together Women Project and I think their identity is a little dated. They do some amazing work and it would be great to tell their story in a more compelling way. I like to use ‘my powers’ for good when I get the opportunity.
Can you describe your approach to creative work via the medium of a song?
Have you ever called yourself MC Millan to get involved in a rap battle?
Oh yes and I remain undefeated. I was brought up on the streets you know? Well… the road… ok a road… it was Ravencar Road… In a Barratt house. Yeah! You feel me?
Designing Logos, building with Lego, dancing to Kenny Loggins or getting legless?
I love designing logos but right now I’d like to be getting legless while dancing to Kenny Loggins. Everyone loves a (drunken) ‘ride into the danger zone’.
Matt tweets as @mattdesignuk. You can find out more on his website