Holy Moley! Part Fifteen Jess Laljee


Who are you and what do you do? Fine Art practice, mainly photography at the mo

What are you currently working on? Recent show on til end of month at Design Centre Leeds

What inspires you? Items within the domestic sphere that represent the essence of something/someone ..

What’s currently keeping you awake at night? REALLY bad indigestion (I hope that it IS wind!!!)

What theme did you receive and how was it responding to it? Dangerous Dames – no prob – I blame Barbie for a LOT

If you were choosing a theme what would it have been? Mad cake designs

Who would you like to see get their hands on a travelling moleskine?
(If living please supply hyperlinks) Daniel Eatock.

Who would be dream moleskine contributors (living or dead)
Barbara Kruger

If you had five more hours a day, what would you do?
Feel more rubbish if I don’t get things done

What’s your favourite website (you don’t have to say ours) Veer.

If you weren’t doing what you are doing now, what would you be doing?

Do you have a favourite building? If so which and why? Architect: Victor Horta, 1901, Location: 25, rue Americaine, Brussels, Belgium. A design for a quirky life

What questions haven’t we asked but should have? Will you remember to send the books back?

What’s next?
Let’s do another book ….

To discover more, see her blog.