Guest post by Vicky Rogerson
We have proved that Twitter is a powerful medium.
Not only can you get the latest celebrity gossip but you can actually make things happen. In real life!
One day not so long ago, we started discussing cheese on Twitter. How much we loved it. And where the best places we could buy it from in Leeds. Not many places really, on reflection…I know…why don’t we start a cheese club of our very own in Leeds? What a great idea.
And, guess what? We’ve done it.
The first ever Homage2Fromage Cheese club is taking place on Thursday 6th October from 7pm at Millies Fresh and Organic shop on Vicar Lane.
Homage2Fromage will celebrate all kinds of wonderful cheese every month, but will kick off with the number one cheese in the whole of the UK. Cheddar is often dismissed as generic but it is a true British classic and perhaps more complex than you might think. We will have lots of different cheddars to try and comment on, we will be cooking up some recipes and getting to know what makes cheddar so delicious.
It is our aim to have a monthly Homage2Fromage cheese club, held at different locations across the city and featuring the region’s great local cheese producers, retailers and fanatics – and a whole world of great cheese!
If you want to get involved, if you have an idea for a cheese we could feature, or simply just want to come along, then let us know. We’re open to everything, as long as it’s smelly and melts well on toast!
So, if you’re passionate about cheese, curious about how it’s made, wonder where it comes from, who makes it, why something so simple can be so diverse, so versatile, so delicious – then Homage2Fromage is the club for you.
You can sign up to our first event here: There is a small fee but this mostly goes towards drinks and delicious cheese…
You can also follow us on Twitter: @homage2fromage