The Hope and (Brudenell) Social “Sleep Sound” Launch – Friday The 13th of May
“a big sound from this impressive outfit…inspired, anthemic, great” – Q magazine
“one of the UK’s top five live bands” – The Independent
“smash-your-head-into-the-wall brilliant” – Entertainment Weekly
“…one of the best acts around…” – Manchester Evening News
You may have happened upon Hope and Social up here on The Culture Vulture before. We are a band who like to things a little bit differently.

We wear blue jackets. We play balls-to-the-floor, anything-for-a-laugh, much-more-for-a-tear, heart-on-your-sleeve, foot-on-your-monitor gigs. Not gigs. Shows… and if we can… we make our shows Events.
We’ve made just about every mistake a ‘professional’ band can make and decided that entertaining people and making the songs we love are The most important things to our music.
And we like people. We like involving people. We believe that people are good… and with that in mind. We are pleased to announce the launch tour, launch gig and party for the forthcoming Hope and Social album: Friday 13th May 2011 Let’s play out!
But why should I play out?
Well to cheer our hearts of course. Given we’ve picked Friday the 13th to celebrate and release our third studio album, it’s no surprise that we’ve come up against some problems. We’ve lost a week to illness, a week to multifarious band member commitments (work, gigs, weddings, uni), and our CD manufacturers brought forward our deadline by a week, so honestly, I think we deserve a bit of support. [wink]
Much more importantly though, it’s not just us lot you’ll be getting to see. We’ll be gloriously accompanied and supported by the Gary Stewart Band…
and Leeds finest indie boys The Finnlys
though as I’ve hinted above, this’ll be a bit more than simply a gig with bands on… (though there will be bands on!). We’ll be showcasing some fantastic guests… We’re proud and privelidged to be introducing some super special guests for this show, Seacroft Community Choir, also known as “Voices of The Day“.
We joined with Voices of The Day last Tuesday to record a couple of tunes for the new Hope and Social album (working title “Sleep Sound”) … including the (working) title track. VOTD are an “everyone’s welcome” community choir headed up by the ace Cleve Freckleton, a good-heart, a big man – in stature and in personality. Also, big thanks to @tessasmith for getting us involved… and for thanking us; it was our pleasure! Here’s a sneak preview of something we recorded with VOTD which we’ll be shoehorning into the album.
Seacroft Community Choir recording for Hope and Social’s Album 3 from Rich Huxley on Vimeo.
… and we’ll be requesting you join in with us at some stage too no doubt. It’s more fun that way…
Oh great, audience participation… in Yorkshire.
But they’re not famous… what the hell have this ‘ere Hope and Social done then?
We are pretty prolific. This’ll be our third album release in under two calendar years. There’s also been an EP, a live album, countless live shows, thousands of kazoos, Glastonbury, many many Living Room Gigs, the JD Set, a Come Dine With Us event, a Big Band Christmas romp, a trip to the seaside on an open top bus, a Brass Band session, a live recording in our studio The Crypt, numerous music videos, music-industry events… and a baby. Admittedly we do look pretty tired.
Alright, I might be tempted to have a listen then.
Well you can Pay What You Want for all our music here, including nowt if that’s what all you can afford. We’d rather you had our music.
Loved by our fans, and converting people gig by gig… the most honest thing to say is that we try our best! Come and be part of Hope and Social at the Brudenell Social.
Tickets Available directly from:
Hope and Social via Eventbrite
In-store or online at the Brudenell Social website
At your local and ace Leeds record stores Crash Records and Jumbo Records
and via Wegottickets, Ticketweb and Seetickets.
For more info please read about the album release and tour dates on the Hope & Social Blog.
Also, just in case you do fancy it, you too can be on a Hope and Social record – just click through and you could be helping us record . What better way to spend a bank holiday Monday evening?
You are most welcome! Looking forward to hearing the album, and hopefully coming down on the 13th. 🙂 x