Joseph Priestley returns home to Leeds…

Steven Johnson

Tuesday 3rd November 2009 will see Joseph Priestley return home to Leeds thanks to best-selling author Steven Johnson, who will be visiting nti Leeds to share the amazing story of the Yorkshire scientist and theologian

The Invention of Air is the latest in a series of books from the authour that focus on the intersection of science, technology and personal experience and consider how far we have come in understanding the world today. This is certainly a great opportunity to hear from a highly distinguished writer who has played a higly important role in influencing everything from the way in which political campaigns have used the internet, to cutting edge ideas in urban planning.

In addition to discussing both Priestly and oxygen, we are told that Steven will be  talking about lots of other interesting stuff including his experience as the co-founder of FEED, the revolutionary web magazine blending technology, science and culture which was one of the earliestweb based magazines.

So if you want to find out a little bit more about the incredible and complicated story of Joseph Priestley’s discovery of oxygen then we suggest you get yourself down to the Leeds Met Rose Bowl on Tuesday 3rd November to hear all about it from the author himself. The presentation will begin at 6.00pm, to register your attendance for this event please email [email protected] or phone 0845 122 1555. You can find full details of the event online here.