From the people who brought you the giant Eton Mess and de-constructed whole hog comes an adult, out-of-season, end of the pier extravaganza!
Test Space: Kitchen is back on the 16th October, hosting another showcase of local chefs, businesses and creative talent, this time with a hint of sea salt in the air. Sited at the Temple Works, once the largest room in the world. Test Space: Kitchen will see the true British holidaying spirit in full force, as guests …
Marvel at the giant knickerbocker glory by the award winning Sunshine Bakery!
Compete in the extreme jelly-eating competition!
Laugh (heartily) at rib-tickling comedians!
Risk health and dignity in the game of Super Secret Shots!
Taste the delicious twisted fish & chip stylings of Fish&, created by Andrew Critchett and Fiona Rotheray
Play the well-know Hit Things With Other Things game!
Throw caution to the wind with Russian Roulette Vol-au-Vents!
Listen to fantastic, fruity and downright filthy sea shanties!
Enjoy a special, seaside-themed YouTube DJ set by the wonderful Tim Ineaux!
And finally…be amazed at the new, nude, and rude uses for candyfloss!
This is a unique, one-night only event, celebrating the best of British food, music and creativity Leeds has to offer. Tickets are £13.50, available from, and strictly limited – so when they’re gone, they’re gone!
Test Space is an organisation dedicated to supporting and promoting the best of Leeds creative talent, be it visual, performance, food or music. Previous events and future projects have included food and culture mash-ups, rapid exhibitions, showcase gigs, cross city showdowns and takeovers.To find out more visit
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