Today my Moorfest goody pack arrived from Culture Vulture – and I’m getting very excited. I got two free tickets, and loads of fabulous fest essentials. Wet wipes, a torch, snacks, even a ‘shit box’ – which is basically a cardboard pop-up toilet with a plastic carrier bag insert! Hopefully I won’t need to use it myself…planning to put it in the middle of our camping area in case anyone drunk/daring/desperate enough decides to give it a go.
Thursday 6th August

I waited for my lift in a busy Sheffield carpark. Noticed a fair few disapproving glances at my shit box, which comes in its very own brown and aptly illustrated (i.e. with a cartoon turd) bag. I’m not surprised really, the toilet facilities in car parks are rubbish in comparison to my shit box, I should have offered it out; 50p a poo.
The drive was pretty straightforward, and once you have passed Leeds there are some very beautiful views to be had. Met up with more chums at the nearby Morrisons, and stocked up on beer, bacon and bread – all you need!
Had a few drinks…put up the tent…had a few more drinks. Met friends old and new, and talked…can’t really remember what about. Set up the shit box in the middle of our camping area as planned, but my sister fell through the middle of it the silly drunkard – good job it was empty.
As I was quite upset by my broken shit box, I went to the silent disco to cheer up, had a bit of a boogie and then fell asleep against a large tent peg. Finally stumbled back to the tent at about 1.30am…I think. A very good first day!!
Friday 7th August
Awoke to the sound of the guy in a neighbouring tent chundering quite violently into an empty beer box. Nice.
Thankfully though things were looking up, because Friday was fancy dress day! Yippee! After tucking into a yummy brekkie (thanks Sis – I forgive you now for breaking my shit-box) we started to get ready. I was a pirate. A bearded, tattooed, bandana wearing brute (in wellies). I was accompanied by a slap-headed monk, a red indian, hippies, a charlston dancer and even a laundry basket. Together we explored the main Moorfest field with massive smiles on our faces.
Moorfest is the most charming festival I have ever been to. A wide open field lined with craft tents, play areas, vintage sale stalls and an inflatable activity area. All of which proved fun stop-offs between music tents. The gladiator style battle ground (think Jet not Russell Crowe) was a particular favourite, as I thrashed my sis (the charlstone dancer) best out of three.
Many gins later, we all took turns jumping up between the giant love hearts on the moorfest throne, which was fun. We watched some band in the middle of the field by the gypsy caravan. We ate a pie from the ‘I Love Pies’ tent, and then watched Jamie Finlay perform in a field which also served as an unofficial mud-wrestling ground. Rozy did an amazing impression of Heather Small from the M-People; then Greg decked me into a puddle and everyone laughed. Seriously entertaining stuff, I promise you.
Saturday 8th August
Wow, this place is so happy – even the gin-blues couldn’t get my down. We spent the morning admiring the VW field – they were all very nice but not as nice as my old blue Bedford.
After listening to some more music in the acoustic tent, we decided to have a BBQ in a picnic area just outside the festival grounds. We went for a drink and a toilet stop in the local pub, and admired the local scenery. Moorfest really is situated in a beautiful place.
I realised on the Saturday that what was really good about the Moorfest, was that I had never actually heard of 99% of the bands. As a result I had no expectations – there was no rushing around and not once did I feel let down by the acts – only ever surprised. It was great to mooch around with your mates, have a laugh and see some really great music at the same time.
Dave turned a broken chair into bagpipes; we all laughed, and then spent the evening to and fro-ing between the hot-chocolate chill out area (a dim-lit cushioned paradise) and the Acoustic tent. Best two days I have had in ages.
Sunday 9th August
Home-time – I’m quite sad. And after three days of drinking beer and eating pies and bacon I really wish that Shit-Box wasn’t broken. Thanks to all my great friends and the Culture Vulture crew for being so generous – absolutely loved it and can’t wait for next year.
Sounds and looks like theculturevulture have given you guys an amazing time :o) if you want to see the official photos you can have a look at my flickr here http://www.flickr.com/photos/irishwonderboy
Irish Wonderboy ;o)