All fans of the printed page can rejoice as the Morley Literature Festival begins its week long programme of speakers, events and special guests. The likes of Will Self, John Shuttleworth and Barbra Taylor Bradford (and who would have thought that those three would ever be written about in the same sentence?) will come to Morley to talk about their books and delight audiences with tall tales, literary anecdotes and – in the case of John Shuttleworth at least – songs about the dangers of going back to savory after you’ve already started your sweet.
It’s a particular joy as it happens to be held in my de-facto home town (I was born in Headingley – yes there are people who have been born there – but I moved to Morley when I was young lad) so a great opportunity to enjoy the delights of some great authors all on my doorstep.
Except that I am now out of the country. Curses.
So to celebrate the joy of the Morley Literature Festival (whilst personally lamenting the fact I can’t be there in person) I’ll be posting some reviews of books written by those authors visiting Morley over the coming days. With reviews ranging from Robin Ince’s Bad Book Club to Barbara Taylor Bradford’s Playing The Game myself and The Culture Vulture will be celebrating the fact that, no matter what country you happen to be in, you can discuss great literature over continents, seas and mountains.
We’ve already started with a review of the latest Toby Litt book King Death and Toby will be at Morley Library on Thursday 14th October at 7.30pm. Why not join in the debate over HERE and prepare some questions for the multi-facted author.
To book tickets and to find out more about the Morley Literature Festival go to: