Georgia Halston previews this weekend’s Antifascist Film Festival. Get thee down there, or watch this space for Georgia’s thoughts on the weekend.
On Saturday the 4th and Sunday the 5th of February Leeds Anarchist Black Cross (Leeds ABC) in association with The Space Project is presenting The Leeds Antifascist Film Festival at 37-38 Mabgate Green (address and contact info can be found here).
Maintaining a modernist articulation of a historically pungent phrase No Pasaran! (They Shall Not Pass) the group have passionately described their stance on the political ideology of fascism: ‘fascism has brought more misery to the world than any other political doctrine’, and warn of its influence in our world today. More info on their stance on fascism can be found here. With the aim of teaching and informing all members of society, the idea of a Film Festival was born.
The festival will start at 11am Saturday morning and finish around 9pm. The doors will then reopen on Sunday at 12 noon and finish again around 9pm. The program includes a plethora of independent, short and feature length antifascist films and documentaries, including Ken Loach’s Land and Freedom and the critically acclaimed, Guillermo Del Toro directed masterpiece, Pan’s Labyrinth, as well as talks from various guests, readings, animation, a quiz, music and even some humour! The full program of events can be found here.
The whole weekend is completely free although donations are greatly appreciated and go towards the Leeds ABC nominated charity for antifascist prisoners.
There will be sandwiches, cake and a raffle as well as The Leeds ABC bookstall, selling books, pamphlets, T-shirts, badges, CDs, and more. So there’s no excuse not to come down even just for one film, a talk or to meet with likeminded people and support a great cause here in Leeds!
Georgia is a freelance creative, who has worked on Leeds Digital Festival and organised Snapshot Leeds. You can find her on Twitter @georgiahalston and see her blog, A Georgian Guide To Casual Whimsy here .