We really like this idea! Enough said, here’s the blurb from Janice…
Papergirl, an art project from Berlin, is coming to Manchester for its UK début. Created by Aisha Ronniger in 2006 as a reaction to the discussion in the media about the tightening of graffiti laws to include paste ups, Papergirl has grown to be a worldwide project.
In the style of American paper-boys, rolled art pieces will be distributed by bicycle on the streets of Manchester to passers-by. From doodles to photography, and screenprinting to painting, everyone can participate. All work will feature in the Papergirl Manchester exhibition before distribution.
Everyone can participate by submitting something and/or by helping with the distribution. To submit upto 10 pieces of work or multiple copies. send an email with your name, city and a link to your website to [email protected] then hand in your work at Nexus Art Cafe, Dale Street, Manchester, M1 1JW. Or post your work to Papergirl Manchester, 7 Ophthalmic Works, 2 Naples Street, Manchester, UK, M4 4DB
Papergirl is: participatory, analogue, non-commercial and impulsive.
Additional information
• Papergirl is distributed like a newspaper, but not edited or printed like it. It consists of art pieces which are rolled up together.
• There are no guidelines as to format, subject matter or quantity, so originals, prints, photos, copies etc. come together. Each roll contains several different works, meaning that each one holds a unique combination of works.
• The art rolls cannot be sold and they are not delivered to subscribers.
• Giving the work out by bike means that there is no time for any stereotypes when choosing recipients of the pieces. You have to react fast and spontaneously. Chance plays its part.
wow, i’m super excited about this.
Wow, what an awesome idea. I’d love to be in Manchester when this happens – or even better – be in Manchester and not know about this and get delivered to. Brilliant.
This is a great idea! How much fun would that be… I would love to see the reactions of people that get the art too!
Papergirl is coming to Leeds this April/May!
Come and join in the fun 🙂
Yeah, but I also see this one.