July 20th – Leeds. Somewhere.
As part of the Juliana’s Bike thing East Street Arts asked us to get involved, so we thought for a moment and then said ‘alright’ without thinking too hard. What we’d like to make is something with you, our community of contributors, celebrating all the really interesting stuff that’s happening across Leeds as we get all giddy about wheels and stuff.
So we decided we’re going to make a zine in a day. More information will unfold shortly, ie when we’ve scratched our heads and found out how to do something really cool on a shoestring. Do you want to help us do this? We need people who can set a page out nicely, photographers, artists, story tellers, distributors, copy editors, cake bringers, calamari creators and a willing commercial printer. We’ve got a budget so far of £500 which we’d love to stretch as far as possible. If you’d like to sponsor the zine then do let us know.
Tweet us @culturevultures or leave a comment below, and we’ll rapidly whip this event into something that will be fun to get involved in