Little Leap Forward tells the story of Yue’s Childhood in China during the Cultural Revolution. It is a story about family, friendships and creative expression but above all about the need for freedom.
Lynn Gardner of the Guardian describes it as ‘a ravishing, wordless mix of mask work, puppetry, shadow play and music – tells Guo Yue’s story. It captures all the intensity of being eight: the brightness of the colours, the vividness of sound, the swooping shifts between exhilaration and sudden fear’.
Directed by Alison Duddle, with set design by Bob Frith, the story is told using masks, puppetry, shadows and animation with original music composed by Loz Kaye. The music will also include the distinctive flute playing of Guo Yue himself.
Little Leap Forward has been developed as a creative partnership between Horse + Bamboo Theatre, Barefoot Books Ltd and the Royal Exchange Theatre.
Suitable for all ages 8 +
Me cago en la resinga’ de tu madre maricon