Dundas House the new creative hub taking 8 storeys of an old BT building in the heart of Middlesbrough opened it’s doors to 45 enthusiastic people yesterday at our second ‘cultural conversation’ in Teesside.
We’re very grateful to Vicky of Navigator North and East Street Arts for being such generous hosts and allowing us to test out their new space. The views across Middlesbrough are immense. A very inspiring project. Do contact them if you are looking for reasonable studio and event space.
And what a great group of people turned up to discuss projects, ideas, hopes and plans. Mike Chitty and I remarked on the enthusiasm and energy everybody had. There seemed to be a real desire to listen, share and learn. We left feeling very bouyed up and keen to get the next date rolling soon.
We’d also really welcome a blog post if you attended to share what you got out of the event, where you’d like this to go, and how the conversations and actions can keep on going between events.
Here are some questions we’d like to ask you to consider in the comments space below. You can choose to keep your name anonymous or public, but we ask you to be honest so we can learn together. Critical friendship is necessary if we are to develop something together that grows and sustains itself
- Where would be a great place to host the next event? Would you be prepared to travel to other parts of ‘Teesside?’
As discussed we’re looking for the people who really want to develop the network, to help artists, creatives, coders, geeks, makers, bakers, DJ’s etc to keep coming together to help make stuff happen. Have a think if you’ve a venue, a project, an idea you’d like to get off the ground, and would co-host a Cultural Conversation event in March. We’d need space for 50-60 people to move around in, host a market place, and a shared picnic table.
- How did you hear about the event?
- Who else should ‘we’* be inviting along to really build a strong network that makes stuff happen?
- What are the best ways to reach people with news/stories about cultural/creative happenings/opportunities in Teesside?
*we = all of us!
Please do reply, it’s what keeps us going between picnics!
PS Here’s some information from Yaffa Phillips of LoveMbro about stuff you should be aware of over the next few days. Loads on! http://www.lovemiddlesbrough.com/
England U21s v Belgium UEFA Qualifier at the Riverside
Artist talk: John Gerrard
I, Bertolt Brecht at Middlesbrough Theatre
AV Festival: As Slow as Possible Symposium
Launch of AV Festival and new exhibitions at mima this Thursday
Preview evening at Platform A Gallery: JAMES BENNING: MILWAUKEE/DUISBURG
Above The Parapet #2 with The Young Hegelians + The Dentist
Earth and Fire Rituals – 2 Day Ceramics Workshop for Artists Thursday and Friday
Celtic Dream at Middlesbrough Theatre
The Sessions at Doc Browns
CREEPS at Medicine Bar
Mest (pop punk) at The Crown
Free Zine Morning
Artist Talk: Sean Scully at mima
The Drifters at Middlesbrough Theatre
4play at the Legion
Tom Hingley (Former Inspiral Carpets) at Revival, Medicine Bar
A Vintage Spring Fling
Bar and Books
Big Mouth Comedy Club
Bandstand at The Crown
Middlesbrough Futsal Club v Crewadors
1.30 kickoff at Thornaby Pavillion
Middlesbrough Lions v Mersey Tigers II Basketball
The Lake Poets at The Olde Young Tea House
Hi everyone,
First off, I just wanted to say it was great to meet and talk to those I got the chance to last week. For those I didnt who think they might want to talk about what we can do to help, then please get in touch at [email protected] and we can arrange a good time to talk.
I also have a suggestion for a venue for the next event in Hartlepool. Its the new SU bar for CCAD in Hartlepool. The Studio. Its an old converted baptist church (http://thestudiohartlepool.com/) Let me know if this is something youre interested in and I can put you in touch with them, or them with you, or however you want to do it.
Hi I attended a cultural conversations meeting at MIMA in middlesbrough in 2012 and came up with the idea of a Middlesbrough film festival. I was supported by an action group set up at the meeting and we managed to hold the first middlesbrough film festival in september 2013. it got great press coverage, eas opened by local comedian Patrick monaghan and featured a specail concert night, lecture by BBC Composer Andy Hopkins, films from all over the world, judges panel, shortlist and VIP Awards night at Basement nighclub. it also received a personal video message from Joe Rossen Oscar nominee direcotr. Can we hold it again next year and make it better. please contact me!