A confession…quite a lot of the time I am mystified, baffled, enraged, confused, provocative…a pain in the arse to be sure…
Looking back I was all those things and more at school too! I was most likely hated at some point by most of my classmates and teachers! I’ve never been very good at shutting up and accepting the perceived wisdom…or accepted the stuff that everyone else rates just because it’s in vogue.
So if there’s something that you’d would like to ask outloud, either to gain some real clarity, to provoke a reaction, to get a debate going, or just to sense check you are not alone, then feel free to email us via the contact form with your ‘Tell Me Why’ question. We will pick one a week (to start with) and will post it (anonymously if preferred).
It can be topical, or something that you have always wondered and never ‘got’, or something you just need to share!
Look forward to hearing from you!
(To get you rolling, some of my dopey questions may be around ‘Why is space remotely interesting?’ and for that matter ‘Science Fiction’ I too am also mystified by what the heck it means to be ‘Avant-Garde’ Why the Brick Man never got commissioned in Leeds, and much much more!)
Apparently the ‘Brick Man’ never got commissioned because it looked too ‘working class’!