Brud Logo 2013

The Brudenell Social Club is celebrating 100 years with a run of shows capturing the essence of what the place is about (without shouting too much about the milestone). Highlights include ¡Forward, Russia! coming back one more time, Albert Hammond Jr, Kurt Vile and motown legend Martha Reeves.

As part of the celebrations iLiKETRAiNS / I Like Trains play a retrospective next month, Broken Pixel will be creating an interactive animation in tribute to the last 10 years of Leeds City Culture.

We need to gather together a wealth of imagery that represents all that Leeds has lost over the past decade. Buildings, venues, carbuncles; fondly remembered or otherwise. It doesn’t just need to be physical architecture, send us pictures of Bands, businesses, events… anything the city has lost and should be remembered.

Please send digital images to [email protected]

or you can tweet images to @brokenpixelchat with #brokenleeds

ILT - David Drake Photo 2012
ILT – David Drake Photo 2012

Beer – Music – Crisps – Fun