What would make you want to walk more in the city?
We are hosting another Cultural Conversation next Wednesday evening at The Belgrave Music Hall asking what’s the one change you would make that would encourage you to walk places?
We’ve teamed up with Metro again – what’s Metro got to do with walking? Don’t they do the buses and trains and timetables and stuff? Well, they are also interested in how we get about the West Yorkshire in general so come along and find out how to get involved.
Why don’t more of us walk? What are your thoughts on getting about in the city? Whether you drive, cycle, walk, or take public transport we’re keen you come along. What would you like to see improve? What’s working well? Do you have an idea about how things could be made easier for people who wanted to get around by walking?
Come prepared to talk about your own journey there.
We’ll be hosting conversation pieces over at The Culture Vulture during the week, and will be looking for guest bloggers who’d like to talk about their experiences of walking about the city.
We’ve limited capacity so do sign up now.
Belgrave Music Hall, Weds 6th Nov, 5.30 – 8pm.