Jess (@BookElfLeeds) got in touch to tell us about a World Book Night Party at Arcadia so @KayLinaBrown posed some questions to find out more.
What made you get involved in World Book Night?
I am a bibliophile and I love talking about books with other people. I volunteered to be a Book Giver with World Book Night last year and had the most fantastic evening with loads of other givers in Arcadia. We gave away eight WBN titles in total as well as an estimated 200 books from the Travelling Suitcase LIbrary, that I’ve been running for a couple of years. I want to bring reading into more social spaces, which is why I bring book swaps into places you might not traditionally think of being places to read-like pubs and beer festivals. I think WBN is a fantastic incentive to bring reading into the mainstream, and get people talking about books!
If every reader of The Culture Vulture had to read one book that you chose, what would it be?
The book I’m giving away this year, I Capture The Castle by Dodie Smith, is one of my favourite books about an eccentric family living in the English countryside in the 1930s and contains so much humour and charm, as well as a serious message about depression and it’s effect on a family, that I’d make you all read it-and I will!
What’s the best book you’ve read that you didn’t anticipate enjoying?
Last year I was dared to read The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand for a bet (you can read my blogalong on here
http://www.leedsbookclub.com/2011/04/blog-along-fountainhead.html) as I’m known as quite a ranting lefty and this book is the opposite of that. The book made me angrier and more inward looking that any I’ve ever read before, but I througherly enjoyed the experience! Sometimes reading something you would otherwise dismiss can make you learn more about yourself than if you just stick to what you know-which is why I hope the WBN at Arcadia leads to some of you opening up your reading horizons!
Where will the Travelling Suitcase Library be stopping next?
Well, I’m always up for taking the book swap service to new places. I’ll hopefully be continuing to do a regular swap at Arcadia, but any pubs or cafes or anywhere really that fancies having something a little bit different in the corner please email me. Together, we can get people reading!
The Travelling Suitcase Library Presents…
World Book Night Party!
Where? Arcadia
When? Monday 23rd April from 7pm
@BookElfLeeds and friends will be giving away books from the World Book Night selection, as well as the HUGE Travelling Suitcase Library.
Got books to donate/swap?
Registered as a book giver?
Please feel free to join them!
If you’re hosting a World Book Night event tell us about it below.