So what does the Director of Hull Film/Glimmer recommend you check out at the flicks this month? Read on for Laurence Boyce’s top picks…
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A journalist and film programmer based in Leeds and Tallinn (that's in Estonia for the geographically challenged) Laurence mainly writes about film and books but also likes music, comedy, games (mostly of the console/computer variety) the odd pint and people who send him sweeties .
He can be found tweeting @LaurenceBoyce whereas his website is sporadically updated at
He's an Aries, likes walks in the park and.... ah, sorry. Wrong website..
Moor Music Festival 2009
Laurence Boyce travels to the Moor Music Festival to find that – contrary to popular belief – music festivals don’t need to be massively expensive, knee deep in mud and full of dull bands made up of members full of over inflated egos. Who would have thought it eh?
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