Artist Mick Welbourn is exhibiting new work, a series of drawings made in 2010 in his show ‘200 Lengths Per Year’ at Leeds College of Art. Lucy Bannister reviews the show.
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Based in Bradford but born in Leeds, Lucy is definitely a Yorkshire lass despite studying at Glasgow School of Art and subsequently falling in love with Scotland. She has spent much of her time in the last ten years being a visual artist and curator and is now editor of the contemporary art webzine on Axis. Her interests have diversified from visual art of late, getting passionate about politics, sound art, music, yoga, swimming and camping (yes, even in the rain). She also loves Twitter. You can follow her witterings on @luluartist
The 12 Days of Tax Avoidance
Despite being a terrible singer, Culture Vulture blogger Lucy Bannister belted out a Christmas carol on Briggate, Leeds, in the middle of the Saturday Christmas shoppers. She tells us why she and a group of tweeters have got together to make creative interventions at the nation-wide anti-cuts protests.
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