I wouldn’t go as far as to suggest my home office looks like the image above, but it’s chock full of books I have loved once and never read again. I’m bad like that, so a New Year’s resolution is to gift them away, maybe via Jess with her Travelling Suitcase Library or add to the intellectual mountain Phil Kirby has down at Temple Works (but I fear they are not worthy company)
But before I do I was wondering if you had to recommend just one book that I should read over Christmas when my Twitter time will be at a minimum, and it would be the one book you could not let go of, what would it be and why?
I look forward to hearing from you!
Happy Christmas
You should read either Woman on the Edge of Time by Marge Piercy or The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison but don’t get me started another 20 books have just leaped into my brain that you must read( help)
I’d go for Man, Play and Games by Roger Callois . . .though I really love the Marge Piercy book too.
I’ve just finished Emile Zola’s ‘L’Assomoir.’ It’s not what you’d call an easy read and has left a deep impression on me, but I would imagine it is a book for life, not just for christmas!