For a long time now we’ve been toying with taking the michael out of awards ceremonies, why not? In most cases they reward banality, bolster super sized egos, cost a lot to even get nominated for, let alone afford the opportunity to get a seat at the overpriced table. So thinking is turning into action…but we really need YOUR input as these Awards are not about stoking and stroking, they are about poking and joking…at ourselves.
Here are some thoughts…The Awards are called the UnAwards, in the spirit of the Un usually meaning something deemed NOT GOOD to own up to! (but may make us giggle and you get something off your conscience).
For example Unfair, Unfashionable, Untidy, Uncharitable, Uncouth etc
Now we are aware of some good UN words, such as Unlimited…(any more?)
So here’s what we think should happen, but we’re unconvinced it’s a perfect idea…
- People will nominate with a story or a picture a category they think applies to them (we’re tempted to take Unfashionable & UnTidy for starters, hopefully not the UnOriginal!)
- The most populated categories will become the UnAwards shortlisted categories
- A location and time will be arranged (maybe Black Tuesday, or Blue Monday?)
- We’ll crowdsource the costs to put on the awards, people can create their own gongs and take them along (with an award for being most UnCreative?)
- The winners will be voted for publically and know in advance so there is no element of surprise, giving the winners the opportunity to prepare a speech, or practice their surprised expressions
- We’ll plump for UnHeard of judges, none of these celebrities thank you very much
- There will be much drinking and UnConventional behaviour…
Feel free to add your thoughts in the comments below, and unless you all say this is the most ridiculous idea ever will set about making a website for it! (before you ask we did cobble that ‘logo’ in Microsoft Paint in less than 1 minute…)
Excellent unidea.
An unaward for most unambitious vegetable?
…For the most unappealing toilet in the North?
…To unaward the most over-rated product or celebrity?
I’m with Frances, unappealing toilet. Followed by a push, may flush, to make good public toilets freely available.