A while ago I spoke about my love for the Arts in an article called ‘Theatre in Hull – A Lifelong Passion’. The piece concludes that in order to flourish, theatre-makers must keep innovating, challenging audiences and companies alike while finding a sustainable balance between populist and specialist work.
Since the article was published – in print Hull Daily Mail and online ThisisUll.com – The Other Space, a joint venture between Dave Windass (Scratch Theatre), Andrew Pearson (Ensemble 52) and Malcolm Scott (Fruit Trade Music) announced itself on the theatrical landscape. The Other Space situated on Alfred Gelder Street in Hull is a versatile, multi-purpose venue with much promise, due to the capacity, development potential, and central location.
The new addition recently hosted a theatre-makers’ concourse (hifalutin term for a meeting of arty types involving speakers, nibbles and wine) where, among other agenda items, persons from all different artistic spheres introduced themselves and the work they do to the assembled guests.
So with the city all a buzz after the unprecedented success of Humber Street Sesh in early August, the shortlist announcement for City of Culture #2017Hull and the pending three day celebration of the Arts that is the annual Freedom Festival, it is now the turn of the theatre-makers in Hull, who have been busy strengthening ties, sharpening scripts and wowing audiences with dazzling, original work.
The Heads Up Festival is the result of the cards falling into place, with talent, opportunity, new partnerships, and the current air of optimism. It is the right time to launch this bi-annual showcase of all that is great about theatre and performance.
The theatre extravaganza takes place in September and features renowned artists, critically acclaimed writers and individual talent. The first weekend 7th – 8th Sept sees Heads Up taking place as part of the Freedom Festival, with critically acclaimed Paper Cinema’s Odyssey which The Telegraph described as “A delicately executed piece, which is bound to delight” and Polarbear’s Mouth Open, Story Jump Out children’s show of which the Irish Times said: “The audience were thoroughly invested in Polarbear’s tale, fighting over small details and full of questions at the end.” Sitting alongside these two events will be the theatre development night special scratch@freedom.
During the weekend 27th -28th, fresh from rave reviews at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Made in China present Gym Party, an epic tale of hopeless determination and the brilliant, terrible, universal human desire to win, and go on. Entertaining, thoughtful and anarchic, Gym Party speaks to anyone who frets about the state of the world and how we treat each other – then gets distracted by a dumb celebrity tweet. With Tim Cowbury and Jessica Latowicki.
Made In China’s boisterously interactive show…a beauty contest that covers some of the same territory as Ontroerend Goed’s Fight Night at the Traverse, but with infinitely more vim, honesty – and pain, both mental and physical.’ **** The Guardian
Gym Party is developed at and commissioned by Battersea Arts Centre.
Hull performance poets Joe Hakim and Mike Watts from Write to Speak will present their own irreverent brand of performance poetry in the formidable Holy Trinity Church.
In addition to the plays and performances, Heads Up will feature workshops, exhibitions and opportunities to get in on the act.
City Sketch by the award-winning company Ensemble 52 is the first part of a larger work conceived and created by Dave Windass, Richard Vergette and Andrew Pearson. Audiences are invited to experience a museum of the human condition in their own time and in any order, within an unassuming office building. Be part of the board meeting that will decide the fate of many, be the voyeur as a couple reach the endgame of their affair and meet the security guards who look down on it all from their own personal Mount Olympus. And all surrounded by an urban soundscape.
So you wanna be a crime writer? a series of workshops and discussions hosted by Nick Quantrill featuring renowned authors of the genre. The Other Space will also be playing host to a special exhibition by the surrealist artist Anna Bean from the 6th – 28th Sept.
There are those that talk and ponder endlessly on Art in the city, how to engage audiences, bring new names to the city, nurture and retain homegrown talent… and then there are those that get out there make it happen. I know which I’d rather do.
Get full Heads Up Festival programme details and tickets Here