Like many people in Bradford I was concerned when I learned that the English Defence League plan to demonstrate in our city centre this bank holiday weekend. I’ve lived here long enough to remember the last time a group like this came to our city – and the riots that followed.
But that was years ago – the people of Bradford have moved on. It’s a shame that the world hasn’t, that Bradford is still perceived from some people outside as a place of extremism and community unrest.
Some of Bradford’s brilliant people have organised an alternative event this weekend – one that demonstrates how Bradford’s different cultural communities share our city peacefully, and come together in celebration of our diverse cultures.
I will be among the many citizens of Bradford and beyond who will be at Infirmary Fields this Saturday afternoon, proud of my city, its people and the rich diversity of their cultures. Here’s a message from the organisers of the event inviting you to come along and support it. If you want to help, email me and I’ll put you in touch with the organisers [email protected] :
‘Be Bradford – Peaceful Together’
As you aware, there are lots of responses to the EDL (English Defence League) coming to Bradford – some people think they should be banned, some want to demonstrate against them and others just want to ignore them.
However, over the last week or so, a group of local people have come together to try to ensure that Bradford’s communities have the opportunity to get together, in the city centre, to peacefully celebrate Bradford’s diversity. We are pleased to say that this community led initiative now has the full support of the leadership of Bradford Council.
So on 28th August there will be a Community Celebration, in partnership with Bradford Council, on Infirmary Fields 12 – 4pm.This peaceful celebration event will be attended by Bradford’s Civic Leaders, along with all the local people who want to come together, in harmony, to affirm themselves as proud citizens of Bradford. The event is being called ‘Be Bradford- Peaceful Together’.
Many local people welcome the support that those outside our District want to show. However we feel the best way of showing support to Bradford people is to give us the space, and opportunity to organise and celebrate ourselves.
This event is part of a wider series of activities currently being organised around that weekend – we will be able to give you more details of that programme of events over the coming few days.
So you are very welcome to come and celebrate peacefully with us at Infirmary Fields, Westgate on Sat 28th August 12- 4pm. Do let other people know about this event – and if you would like to help with the organising of the day, perform at the event, run a stall, etc then let us know a.s.a.p.
See you there!
‘Be Bradford – Peaceful Together’ Organising Team
Good Luck – I’ll be away at Solfest but will be there in spirit
Well actually there is a Larger demonstration happening in the city centre, called ‘We are Bradford’ and it’s supported by a hell of a lot more people including our Prime Minister.
Check out the list in the central column:
Stop trying to spit up the original demonstration.
Link is http://www.uaf.org.uk apologies 🙂
Calum i think you may be missing the point a little bit. It doesn’t really matter if there is one demonstration, 2 demonstrations or in fact a demonstration on every street in Bradford. The important point is to encourage people to come together, for friends, neighbours and work collegues to publically say we love Bradford, we support its fantastic diversity and we are proud to live and work here. There is a womens vigil happening right now in Bradford (friday). Maybe the more events there are, the more ways there are for people to show support. Hope you have a peaceful demo on Saturday Calum.