Disclaimer. I am a friend of the photographer Casey Orr, so it goes without saying that I’d be excited about her new exhibition at Gallery Munro House. What can I say I have impeccable taste in friends.
I’ve seen the pictures through the bubble wrap and let me tell you they are amazing. They take me right back to my teenage years and total absorption with my hair aged 13. I wish I could have told my teenage self that she was beautiful, as the girls in these pictures are. On the cusp of adulthood, totally gorgeous and full of life. Instead I spent hours teasing and coaxing my hair into a ridiculous hedgehog type affair which enabled the more vicious girls at my school plenty of opportunity to mock! Still rites of passage and all that!
The private view will be unlike any other with teen bands Zombie Squid Squad and The Velveteens giving it some attitude. It kicks off at 6pm Thursday 27th February. Be there or be…