@JacquiPybus takes a look at the forthcoming communal, personal and locally created activities at Shipley Kirkgate Centre on 5/6 May.
With all the recent chatter in the press and other media about the Damien Hirst exhibition, with gift shop prices at up to £37,000, the commercialisation/commoditisation of art and the huge and swingeing cuts in funding for arts projects across the country, now seems a good time to look at an alternative approach. Art as self expression – a way of finding opportunities to be who you WANT to be, creative and fun, maybe the person you USED to be before work and bills and other stuff got in the way . . . Art that doesn’t cost a packet to enjoy, create, share, and where you don’t need to be an expert either . . . art as a voice . . . maybe for protest . . . certainly not as a commodity.The first weekend in May sees an event in Shipley which aims to do just that. Ante-Art (that’s Ante, as in before, not anti, against) developed from an idea from Paul and Nick who’ve been involved in self-led, collaborative, low/no-budget events and celebrations in the Bradford area for over 20 years. Looking at the Ante-Art website reminded me of some great MayDay celebrations and early Bradford Festival events I enjoyed back in the 90’s, many linked to the 1 in 12 club . . . like Chumbawumba on the day Labour won the general election in 1997 . . .
In the eight weeks or so since that idea, the pair has grown into a larger, collaborative group, most of whom were previously strangers to each other, and the idea has grown into a weekend of activities based in the Shipley Kirkgate centre. It’s amazing what a group of creative folk can generate on a shoe-string budget and in such a short time!
What do you fancy? Music? “TICK” – Ante-music is a gig with three or four bands and a DJ on the Saturday night – timed so everyone can still get public transport home . . .
or Books? “TICK” – Ante-Bookfair celebrates the growing DIY publishing scene, books, ‘zines, posters & more – check out the list on the website and see if your favourites are listed, and if not, there may still be time for them to get involved . . .
Visual Art? “TICK” – Ante-Exhibition includes work from over a dozen individuals and collectives, in a range of media and styles much of it new or previously unshown (again, there’s a list of those already signed up to show) . . .
or maybe you fancy getting creative yourself . . Trying something new? “TICK” – get down to the Ante-Art Factory on the Sunday – learn a new skill (screen printing maybe?), start creating your own artworks . . .
So, if you like your art communal, personal and locally generated, maybe even a bit “cheap ‘n dirty” to quote Paul, get down to Shipley on 5/6 May and celebrate May Day the communal Ante-Art way. . . See you there – oh, and you can follow @ante-art on Twitter too.