Axisweb Is 21 Today!


Sheila McGregor, Director of AxisWeb tells us how they are celebrating their twenty-first birthday …

Our 21st birthday today has inspired a lot of idle office chatter about what we were all doing in back in 1991, the year that Axis began. Aimee, our Business and Administration Apprentice and newest recruit, didn’t even exist – a fact that made some of us suddenly feel quite old.

Much of the conversation has revolved around hairstyles in the 1990s, and some hair-raising (sorry) facts have come to light. One beautifully coiffured member of staff revealed that she was then a latter-day Punk, complete with a semi-shaven head, piercings and bleached blond hair. Another colleague shaved her hair off completely, causing her mum to burst into tears. Some of us sported perms for just a bit too long – by the mid-nineties they’d surely had their day? The longest-serving member of our team is famous for his changing hair-styles, but has carefully suppressed the photographic evidence that would give us all something to laugh about.

Our conclusion about the 1990s? A bad hair decade that we’d rather not remember!