Thursday evening Mincine hosted a social at The Maven to get to know their audiences better. What they didn’t know when they organised the event is that they would be speaking as an award winning film society. At the weekend, the community cinema won the award for Best Film Programming at the British Federation of Film Societies’ Film Society of the Year Awards.
The accolade is well deserved for the small team consisting of Mike McKenny, Michael Wood (Woody) and Adam Ryan. Since director Mike McKenny took over the running of Minicine last year the community cinema has gone from strength to strength. First memberships we’re introduced and with the addition of Woody as co-director, further screenings were announced in both Leeds and Bradford. There’s been additional screenings due to demand at the National Media Museum, a programme of free monthly screenings at Dock Street Market and a day of Polish Cinema in Bradford. Adam’s addition has been more recent but shouldn’t be underestimated as his contribution and nomination led to their award (add he prevents their entire organisational board being called Michael!).
The social was a good change from sitting in the dark without much opportunity to speak to anyone as after a selection of shorts from the city, we were presented with a quiz. If there’s one thing destined to get you talking (and competitive) it’s a quiz. Luckily for me I was on a team with people who knew a vast amount more about film that I do and we won!
The striking part of the event, was how Mike and Woody created the sense of community between everyone there even though we were out of the traditional, original setting of Armley Mills Industrial Museum and don’t usually have much of an opportunity to speak to each other at the screenings. Some of us hadn’t been to screenings for a while, some had only been once, some were the makers of the shorts being shown but the main thing was; we were made to feel part of something. I guess that’s what it’s all about, though the programme won Minicine an award; it’s being part of something that keeps us going to the screenings and encouraging more people to go.
Minicine is contributing to our city’s film heritage and like other events such as the International Film Festival and Hyde Park Picture House; they’re giving us the opportunity to see films that aren’t distributed through mainstream cinemas, films we wouldn’t otherwise see. If you’re going to risk seeing a film you’ve never heard of, it’s better to see it in a packed room with 25 other people. AND you get free cake!
To view upcoming screenings visit their website.
*Photo by Mark Epstein