Dance and Culture that’s so imaginative you won’t want to miss it! Zoe Parker’s pick for exciting and imaginative dance and cultural events happening in and around yorkshire over the next few months. “This is by no means everything that is happening, but the things i have put in my diary to go and see”….
Having just missed a whole heap of brilliant Dance and Cultural events, I have been getting my diary organised for the next few months. So I thought I would share my ‘must-sees’ recommendations for dance and other culture in and around Yorkshire.
So, starting with a splash on October 20th: I’m heading down to Bramley baths with my swim suit and goggles to see @BettyLawless (aka Lizzie Coombe’s) Submerged. This is part of @ilovewestleeds Festival and the prospect of viewing underwater photography is a first for me. If you haven’t already seen Lizzie’s photography, it is stunning stuff. Then right after that, I’m going over to Bradford to see Northern Creative Theatre’s ‘Museum of terrifying example’ which is on at Theatre in the Mill. I don’t know if it is the mention of existentialism (which I find fascinating), or the goldfish skewered on a stick, but I feel compelled to find out what this production is all about.
On the 3rd November I am going to see ‘The rise and fall of Little Voice’ at the Alhambra in Bradford. If, like me, you love musicals, this is a good one. It’s full of iconic diva show numbers and has an inspiring storyline. I always think back to the brilliant Jane Horrocks in the film version Little Voice, so it will be interesting to see how the ‘voice’ of Jess Robinson compares.
On Thursday 8th November, I am going to see Cartographies of love a new piece of work supported by Theatre in the Mill and Chol Theatre. It has been developed by ethnographer and social commentator, Irna Qureshi. It is part lecture, part performance and explores love and marriage in West Yorkshire’s South Asian communities. Irna (@irnaqureshi) was telling me a little about her process within this and it sounds like it will be very personal and honest experience to witness. What i like about work at the Mill, is the eclectic and surprising nature of what is produced, and i have seen some amazing work there over the past year (God/Head and Only Wolves and Lions). Other work on this season at the Mill, is Rita Marcalo and Instant Dissidence’s Caramel on 15th November which involves dance and food (two of my favourite things in the world!). However, I am not sure I can squeeze that one in to my busy schedule!
I also want to see Frantic Assembly’s Beautiful Burnout on the 10th November at West Yorkshire Playhouse. This is a mix of theatre and dance. It says it has ‘a stunning backdrop of glittering video screens and a pulsating soundtrack and packs an almighty, and unforgettable punch’, which sounds good to me. I find the work at WYP is always of a really high standard and great quality, so even though i don’t really know Frantic Assembly’s work, I’ll give it a whirl.The following week I am going to see “Agnes and Walter” by Smith Dance Theatre at Square Chapel, in Halifax. What attracted me to this one is the inter-generational cast and perhaps the fact that most of the action revolves around a shed! The subject of this love story is secret wishes and desires: I am hoping for touching and not too wordy (which is alluded to in some reviews) and as this is a one night only event, I have already blocked the time out in my diary. Here’s a little clip …
I am definitely going to see Invisible Flock’s Distant Threads, on 17th November: an installation in Dewsbury Mills, supported by Lawrence Batley Theatre. There is some kind of involvement of the audience with mobile phones in this installation that promises games, audience creating outcomes, as well as this unusual location. Chol theatre are also involved in another production which I really want to see, a play written by Emma Adams (@Emmabob3) called Big Board. Unfortunately I am already working Sunday 18th November rehearsing with Yorkshire Dance’s intergenerational community dance piece ‘Just 30!’ Sometimes a girl can’t do everything!
Having just seen the colourful dance theatre piece Yumm at the beautiful venue that is Barnsley Civic, I was reminded how delightful children’s theatre can be (even for this grown-up kid) and Rapunzel by BalletLORENT looks absolutely brilliant. I am a big fan of Liv Lorent’s choreography, and her previous work for families, Underneath the floorboards got great reviews. Her work is poetic, touching and visually magical and when I first saw their Rapunzel photo, I was absolutely captured. Childhood memories of the Brothers Grimm: dark and ‘fleshy’ stories; haunting lines like ‘Rapunzel, rapunzel, let down thy hairr”. I can’t wait to see what poet laureate Carol Ann Duffy has done with these words. I really want to see it at Sadler’s Wells on March 29th so I can take my nieces (ages 7 and 10) but I’m really not sure I can wait that long! So I may go to Hull Truck Theatre on 23rd November. Two other family pieces I thought about seeing ( if I could find someone’s children to ‘borrow’ to give my viewing validity) are Ugly Duckling choreographed by dancers from Northern Ballet, which is a sweet little story, and Janet Smith‘s What on Earth? which looks like such fun and engaging madness! I have unfortunately missed the current tour dates for Ugly Duckling but , and I’m tempted by Sleeping Beauty directed by Gail Mcintyre at WYP which runs from 7th December to 19th January. So who knows, maybe I can borrow some kids before then? Anyone?
This is going to keep me pretty busy over the next few months, but if there are other imaginative events you think I might enjoy, then do feel fee to add the details in the comments box below.
Zoe Parker ( @Zoe_Parker) is a Dance Artist , Educator and Choreographer living in Leeds and blogs about Life, culture and wellness.
Thanks to @sarahshead (SPIN ARTS) and BalletLORENT for the permissions for image. Photographer- Ravi Deepres.
Thanks for a really informative article Zoe. It is great to find this resource – as a busy mum of 4 I often don’t find the time to do the research and it is great to get at least a snap shot of culture that I could so easily otherwise miss. I will get booking!
Ah glad to be of help!