If you don’t know, MediaFest is the National Media Museum annual industry conference, now in its second year, which explores the way media, in its many forms, influences contemporary culture and society. Here at The Culture Vulture we are definately looking forward to heading down to the National Media Museum on 15th October to check it out.
This year’s MediaFest conference will consider and explore the variety of ways in which the roles of women are identified, deconstructed and portrayed. The keynote address will consider the role of women as producers and as subjects, with speaker Emily Bell, Director of Digital Content at The Guardian, talking about the link between media portrayals of women and women’s role in society overall. There will also be a number of sessions that will cover areas such as digital revolution; the role of women in the film industry; the supposed sexualisation of culture; and women and/in the news. There will also be opportunities to hear from industry insiders about their careers in the media industry.
Full details of the programme and details of how to book onto the conference or individual sessions can be found on the MediaFest website.