This autumn People Show will visit Bradford for the first time with People Show 121: The Detective Show, playing at the Bradford Playhouse from Friday the 22nd – Saturday the 23rd of October, 2010.
Inspired by the missing eleven days of Agatha Christie’s life in 1926, The Detective Show has been devised by People Show artists Gareth Brierley, Sadie Cook, Fiona Creese, George Khan, Mark Long, Jessica Worrall and Chahine Yavroyan, and will include original live music and dance.
People Show 121 dives into the world of all things murder mystery. Fictional and real lives merge, riddles are solved but the case files always remain open. Funny, frightening and ferocious, People Show create another production of highly entertaining theatre.
Throughout the last 44 years the Company has been creating award winning, devised theatre, and this will be People Show’s first visit to the revamped Bradford Playhouse.
This production is co-devised and performed by one of the founder members of the company, Mark Long, and features original music by George Khan who has been with the company since People Show number 3.
People Show artist Gareth Brierley said: “We’re very excited to be part of the rejuvenation of Bradford Playhouse.”