As usual we sat like a watchful vulture on Twitter, observing the cultural scene and swooped down upon Martin Carter when we heard about his involvement in Pride… We bring to you, rich pickings, dear reader!
When I initially began thinking about this blog I imagined I’d say something along the lines of “I’m Martin, I’m a drag queen, check out my amaze outfit for Pride”. But then I had a conversation on Twitter with a friend of mine and he made me realise that whilst the world in which I inhabit is so natural to me, it’s completely alien to others.
So I asked across my Twitter and Facebook: “What does Gay Pride mean to you?” I got some interesting answers. (If you’d like me to talk about this further, or see the responses, let me know). I think this, from my good friend (and ex chair of the Leeds University LGBT society) Roy Ward sums it up pretty well:
“Pride is a celebration of the rights we have won, and a reminder of the fact that we still have work to do.”
I couldn’t have put it better myself.
I’m hoping that throughout my guest blogs here on The Culture Vulture you’ll be able to have a peek into gay scene in Yorkshire. I’m not going to just talk about my act, Tia Maria, on here, instead I want to just show you the world of Pride through my eyes over the next few weeks. I also want to tell you about my favourite drag queens and the people I admire on the scene.
And the first of those acts are my hairy gay-mothers, Bears Aloud. If I told you that my favourite drag act consisted of five overweight hairy men in Primark dresses miming to ‘The Promise’ you wouldn’t believe me. To be honest, I wasn’t convinced initially either. But then I witnessed a Bears Aloud show, and realised half way through I had jaw-ache from smiling so much.
Sure, on paper, it shouldn’t work. I bet this photo doesn’t convince you either:

But maybe this will: in just 18 months these girls have sold out shows across Yorkshire (particularly in their home bar, Blayds), played in London and all across the country as well as internationally. They’ve performed at countless Prides and even won awards.
This is the essence of drag for me (i.e. something that shouldn’t work, but does). And even though our acts are very different, I’ve learnt a lot from them – humour, determination and hardwork.(Not to mention a couple of make up tips!) You can see the passion in their performance, and that’s what makes a great drag queen.
If there’s any reason to come to attend a Pride this year, it’s to witness the phenomenon of Bears Aloud.
Anyway, enough about them, back to me! We’re performing a brand new set this Saturday at a bar (in)famous for it’s drag queens – The Viaduct. (Nervous much!). We’ll also be filming the entire day as part of Youtube’s Life in a Day event. On Sunday Maria Millionaire (that’s me!) will be making her first solo outing at Huddersfield’s Pink Picnic. Oh God, what have I got myself in for!?
Profile: Martin Carter is primarily a writer but dips his heel into the world of drag. Along with Craig Dixon they won the title of Drag Idol 2009 with their act Tia Maria.
Tia Maria on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tiamarialeeds
Bears Aloud on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bears.aloud
The Viaduct on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/viaductshowbar
Huddersfield Pink Picnic: www.huddersfieldpinkpicnic.com
Youtube’s Life in a Day: http://www.youtube.com/lifeinaday
You can see Tia Maria perform at The Viaduct Leeds on Saturday 24th July, along with Carla Jackson and Anja Bach from 10pm. Entry is free. 18+. The Viaduct 11 Briggate Leeds LS1 6ER 0113 245 4863
Huddersfield Pink Picnic gay pride event takes place at Moor End Farm, South Crosland, Huddersfield. HD4 7BZ from 12 noon till 7pm on Sunday 25th July 2010. Entry is free. All ages. (Maria Millionaire on stage 1pm).
Nice to see Grizz Br pics used again…:-)