PAPER SCISSOR STONE Store are one of our all time favourite Leeds emporiums, and we can’t believe it’s their second birthday. If you’ve not been before, and enjoy art, design, books, fashion and friendly service then take a trip down this Thursday 6pm – 9pm
In 1990 PURE EVIL left the Poll Tax Riots of London behind and went to live in California where he spent 10 years ingesting weapons grade psychedelics, thinking about stuff, making electronic music and printing t-shirts . Inspired by skateboard culture and the west coast character graffiti of Twist he returned to London and picked up a spraycan and started painting weird fanged vampire bunnies everywhere.
Pure Evil bridges the gap between grafitti art and contemporary art and has had solo show’s in Paris, NYC, Sao Paulo, Beijing and Sydney. Not content with exhibitions around the World, he opened the Pure Evil Gallery in Hoxton, London in October 2007 and this is now a pioneering force in the contemporary street art World.
The Evil one will be in store from 6pm so come down and join us for a Christmas drink.