The Hepworth Wakefield has recently been long-listed for the prestigious Art Fund Prize, won last year by The British Museum. With £100,000 going to the winner it’s the largest single art prize available to museums and galleries. The Hepworth Wakefield is the only venue to be nominated in the North of England.
The next steps are for The Hepworth to generate further support from the general public and key ambassadors by getting them to ‘Have Their Say’ and tell the Art Fund Prize why they should win. Although it’s not a public vote, the more support they can generate the stronger their case to win will be.

If you want to lend your support to The Hepworth, they have a number of resources available (below):
A twibbon for facebook and twitter profile pictures: http://twibbon.com/HepworthGallery
A hashtag for twitter so you can share your comments: #hepworthinspires
A link for your website http://www.artfundprize.org.uk/2012/yoursay/
Posters for windows, staff rooms, shop fronts, reception areas are available to download from http://www.hepworthwakefield.org/news/thw-longlisted-for-the-art-fund-prize-2012/
To coincide with the Art Fund prize The Hepworth are asking ‘Have you been yet?’ and as part of this activity they are installing a video booth in the gallery foyer to collect and encourage comments from their visitors and supporters.
The booth will be in place from 11 April for one week and they will be using the video clips on their website in April and May, so if you’re in The Hepworth or in the area from the 11th, pop into the booth to be filmed sharing your thoughts on the gallery.