The MillSpace

Casey Orr
Casey Orr

Bias alert! I’m involved in this launch (I do have a day job you know, something has to pay for this website full of goodies, having said that the day job isn’t really too gruelling!)

The MillSpace is a brand spanking new arts project space, located within the rather magical Leeds Industrial Museum at Armley Mills, don’t just take my word for it, pay a visit sometime.

Casey Orr is the first artist in residence and has developed a new body of work called ‘Wool’.For those following Casey’s work, this theme links neatly with previous work Comings and Goings.

Each resident artist willl have the opportunity to really delve deep into the collections/the hidden/the stories and develop a unique body of work, connecting the museum and the wide range of people from local and not so local communities. Having had a snoop around the stores I can testify to the fact that there it’s a total treasure trove and I cannot wait to see how the selected artists interpret such rich source material.

If you would like to get your name (plus guest) on to the guest list for the opening party we have four invites to extend, use the comments box to signal your desire. One of the winners will also receive a signed edition of the Comings and Goings book by Casey Orr.

Usual Ts and C’s apply, closing date 17th July.
‘Wool’ by Casey Orr opens 17th July until September, Leeds Industrial Museum, Armley Mills, Canal Road, Armley, Leeds.


  1. Not going to say owt fancy. I’d just LOVE to be there! AND it’s my birthday on 20th July, so I’ve decided to start shenanigans by going to the tea dance and asking lots of friends to come along to the Big Picnic… so a bit o’culture would be just tickety boo.
    Fingers crossed!
    Love Melanie

  2. I used to live in Armley and never got around to visiting the museum, somehow I feel having a few tickets would make me go!! And I can revisit some old haunts in Armley while I am at it!

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