An abnormally nosy bird who likes to stick her beak into the places most others cant be bothered to. Her feathers are ruffled by people who lament 'there's nothing to do' She gets her wings in a flap in excitement at discovering the new, novel, imaginative, quirky, underground, innovative, collaborative She fluffs up with pride when witnessing great ideas come to life, and seeing a merry throng at the events she puts on

The MillSpace

A new arts space opens in July at Leeds Industrial Museum. The MillSpace is a dedicated space within the mill, that will be used as a catalyst for a step change in way that the museum works with artists and the public, especially in the local area.

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Imagine you’d been asked to create a piece of jewellery for a famous person who has really inspired you. What would you make and what would it look like? Readers of a nervous disposition don’t click to read more!

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