Eagerly anticipating the Leeds Queer Film Festival, Ben Fincher (@benCVTW) intern extraordinaire at Temple Works, met up with organisers Clare and Anne for the lowdown on the event and what we can look forward to. Coming to Temple Works for the first time on the 28th and 29th of March, and Wharf Chambers the following two days, the festival promises to screen a range of fictional and documentary films and shorts on the themes of sexuality and gender. And there will be popcorn. But no bunting
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Hairspray at Bradford Alhambra
These days Hairspray is associated with the 2007 Adam Shankman film but the stage show is based upon John Water’s 1988 original. Leo Owen (@LeoGirlOwen) catches the first leg of its UK tour in Bradford to see how the musical compares to the film
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