Open letter from a grumpy PR – by Grace Jackson
It is a hard life being a PR – journalists have this impression of you being a slightly undereducated thesaurus addicted irritant while clients view you as a slightly undereducated over paid thesaurus addicted irritant – We know that this is what you think because you constantly tell us, tweet about us or generally rant about coverage – well it is time to put the record straight.
Journalists –
We KNOW you don’t want us phoning in order to plug our latest product / event / breakdown but we also KNOW that if you only read the bloody press releases in the first place we wouldn’t have to ring you. How many times have you said ‘oh… yes… I have read that… it sounds interesting… tell you what, just send it again for my records’ we PR’s know EXACTLY what that means. ‘What press release? Stop talking to me, I’m busy, if I sound interested and ask you to send it again will you go away?’, followed (after reading) by ‘oh, that really is interesting why didn’t you send this before?’
YES we send generic emails that aren’t addressed to you personally. But this is simply to speed up the first send out so we can get down to the second round when we have to re-send (see above) – and yes we have feelings – how would you feel if your carefully crafted work of art is put straight in the recycling bin due to lack of time.
YES we can send the most tenuous links to Easter / Christmas / the royal wedding / the snow but give us a break – when all you have to write about is a dull play / slightly rubbish book / fencing company WHAT DO YOU EXPECT? If you haven’t picked up on the interesting, well researched sensible release then all we are left with is THE TENUOUS – don’t be dismissive just remember that a little part of us dies every time we have to write and send something like that.
Clients –
We love you, we need you but for goodness sake give us a break – if we say that the paper / news programme isn’t interested in the latest development in wood based house building technology it is BECAUSE WE KNOW – we are not being awkward and yes we will write the release if you insist but also know that every time we send it out and every time a journalist says, thank you for your time but we are just not interested in the latest development in wood based house building technology, we die a little inside.
DO NOT ask us to set up an interview / pursue a particular angle if you are not prepared to see it through – believe me when we say that we do not enjoy spending time convincing journalists that it is a really good idea to interview the CEO’s uncle Bob on why he came up with the idea that translated into a post apocalyptic play about what happens when Eastenders meets Dr Who if you then decide he doesn’t want to do it after all. A) you have WASTED EVERYBODYS TIME and B) next time we ring up said journalist they will sigh even more deeply than last time and sarcastically enquire if we really believe this is a good idea – causing us poor pr’s to once more die a little inside.
And no we DON’T KNOW when they are printing the interview / photo / review / feature. Yes I could phone them but they are going to say the exact same thing. It really doesn’t matter that your CEO is visiting from Bali next week and it would be nice if you could give them the interview / review / feature to read – I can’t make them print it.
So, yes, we admit our failings, we know we are irritating and permanently positive, but wouldn’t you be if everytime you pick up the phone / come up with an idea that is ignored you die a little inside. Like clowns we only smile on the outside. So to conclude, whether you are a journalist or a client just remember this one vitally important fact – whatever you may think about if we weren’t here to act as a go-between you would have to talk to each other!
Hear, hear!