Scrooge, at Leeds Grand, reviewed by Tilly Waddington, aged 9 …
I would recommend this show to anyone over the age of 7 because it is quite loud and long and a tiny bit frightening. But I really enjoyed it (I’m 9)
I liked Scrooge’s nephew because he didn’t give up on him and I liked Tiny Tim when he sung his solo. I heard that Tommy Steele had a nap in the interval and everyone backstage had to be quiet. That’s because he’s old – the same age as my Grandad (77). I don’t think my Grandad could do what he did. He was a very good actor and he made me laugh. My favourite part was when Scrooge said “Merry Christmas” and a man fainted with surprise.
The only bit I would improve was the ghost of Christmas Future – he should have had a bigger hood on his cape and not a big hole in the front on his face. There were some parts that made me jump, like when Marlow was behind the door and then he disappeared and reappeared. There was also a big gust of smoke that made everyone gasp.
One of the best things I have ever seen and the chocolate ice cream in the interval was excellent.
TUESDAY 19 NOVEMBER – SATURDAY 7 DECEMBER 2013 at Leeds Grand Theatre