Leeds Print Festival

Guest blog from Amber Smith

Leeds Print Festival happened because very simply I love print. And I love organising. I’m a year tutor on the graphic design degree programme at Leeds College of Art and spend a lot of time saying to thirds years “…just to do it…” and “…no excuses…”. So, no excuses. I wanted Leeds to have a print festival and this has become my every waking thought, at weekends, after work, before work, at 3am when I think about which stock to print on and 4am when I realise it’s terrible stock to print on. I like coffee now. I love tea. But ask me again on the 26th of January.

The process of putting together Leeds Print Festival has turned into something very collaborative. Over the last few months we have been lucky enough to meet and work with people who share our love of print and the importance of celebrating it. The Print Project based in Bradford have become a important part of the festival as have graphic designer and printer Lestaret and the Leeds graphic design studio Catologue, to name a few.

Ellie and Matt’s recent opening of Leeds Gallery at Munro House came at an ideal time because it gave us the perfect venue to host the festival. You will find work print from The Print Project, Valerie Phillips, Joe Gimore, Mick Marsden and Print For Love Of Wood all of which will be working with a different print processes.

The opening night “Print Is Dead. So Are Zombies, Ghosts and Vampires. Be Afraid Of Print.” on Friday the 27th of January not only marks the start of the festival but there will be live book binding, linocut and letterpress demonstrations too, which will give anyone their very own piece of print to take home.

Over the weekend we have a busy schedule, on Saturday there is a Print Fair showcasing work from very talented regional and national printers, book binders and collectives. Sunday come enjoy a series of talks from Generation Press, Si Scott and Anthony Burrill exploring how and why they work with print. Similarly to the exhibition their approach to print is different but still an integral part of their working process.

Leeds Print Festival runs 26th to 31st January
Leeds Gallery
Munro House
York Street

26th to 31st January
Thursday 26th January, exhibition preview

Opening Night
Friday 27th January

Print Fair
Saturday 28th January

Sunday 29th January

Further details leedsprintfestival.com


Twitter @LPF2012