Iron Cupcakes!

Like a lot of people I started the year with the annual visit to the gym in the pursuit of the elusive  buns of steel.  That notion has long been forgotten and replaced with a much better alternative- cupcakes of iron!

Well actually I lie, if you can believe  it was even better than that… these were cupcakes of booze.

Let me explain: Iron Cupcakes is a competition which unsurprisingly originated in the USA where two bakers challenged each other to bake with a nominated ingredient (Wasabi in the original instance). This friendly baking face off became a regular event, grew and now has been expanded and franchised out to other cities. Like all other things trendy and cupcake themed the idea crossed the pond and has now reached Leeds (via London of course, were the event attracts around 40 bakers at a time!)

It’s a simple format, you turn up to the competition (at Mojos in Merrion St- yes it is a cool venue) with a dozen home made cupcakes, which are then judged by a panel of willing tasters on the basis of  looks and of course taste. Prizes are awarded accordingly. The £5 entrance fee entitles you to a free drink at the bar and as much cake as you can eat. If you are not a baker, you do not have to miss out as you can opt to be a judge which means you have the responsibility to try every single cake and provide your all important opinion!

This months theme was Booze and next months will be Death by Chocolate- if you want to see a full round up of this months event and photos check out the Iron Cupcakes Leeds site here.

Iron Cupcakes Leeds founder Zoe, also a keen baker told me that it’s all about fun and a bit of friendly competition. It’s also a great opportunity to meet up with like minded bakers and if you are lucky you may even win one of the excellent prizes.

If you want to join in, just turn up on the night with a dozen cakes or just an empty tummy and get involved with probably the coolest food event in the city (and forget about the gym, it’s not worth the pain).

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