Leeds Met Art, Architecture and Design Final Year Show Bloggers Event

rusty building


Tuesday 4th June 6pm at The Rusty Building, Leeds Met

Remember last year when bloggers and friends of The Culture Vulture were invited to Leeds Met School of Art, Architecture and Design for a behind the scenes tour of the Final Year Show?

Well they’ve only gone and asked us to come and enjoy their company once more.

The courses are both undergrad and postgrad across Art, Graphics, Design, Landscape, Interiors, and Architecture, just like last year. And again there’ll be over 500 students showing.

But his year the big difference is that the students are doing all of the design, wayfinding, and the publication. And they’ve taken over the Twitter account and they’re also doing a blog and a participatory space – the project is called Broadcast Leeds

So what say you? Sign up here for your exclusive behind the scenes tour. Support talent in the city!


More on upcoming Broadcast Leeds from the students

We are creating a participatory pavilion in which to hold talks, workshops and interactive events during Leeds Met Art, Architecture and Design degree show 2013.

It is to be held outside in the courtyard between the two buildings at Broadcasting Place and will engage students and the public for 7 days. We are interested in incorporating interdisciplinary working and bringing the school together. We want to invite the people of Leeds to be involved in the delivery of activities as well observing and interacting.

Our vision is to create a University FOR Leeds, not OF Leeds. We want to BROADCAST this to the rest of Leeds during the whole 7 days. 7th – 14th June, Broadcasting Place, Leeds. Follow our progress here!
